Website construction begins 6/3/24. Use the Custom Design Quote for orders. Thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you still have any questions, please don't hesitate to send us an email by clicking the "Contact Us" button.
What is the Difference between liquid and filament prints?
[Filament prints] can be huge. They take longer to print although have better strength and do have a decent quality. These also have the option of different colors and can be mixed together, if you don't want it painted. [Liquid prints] come out at an astonishing 8K resolution with extreme detail. These models are generally under a foot long and are usually painted as they don't have many color options. We can go bigger, but there is a lot more post processing work/time. With liquid resin, the models can also be done in some really cool transparent colors, if you don't want to have it painted!
You don't have the model I'm looking for, can I make a request?
Actually (fixes nerd glasses), the majority of our orders come from custom work. Feel free to check our custom workshop where we can work together to get you the model you are looking for!
You don't have the size I'm looking for, what if I want a specific sized model or a model done life size for my cosplay set?
We can do that! Head over to our custom shop and we can work with you to have a model done custom for you. Our current sizes are just a generalized size and price set up to streamline our inventory for the general buyer. That said, we do have a great deal of customers requesting custom work, which can drastically change the amount of material, post processing, and painting detail to each piece, which can be difficult to put a generic price to.
What's the general turn-around on a product?
This varies dramatically depending on the size, material, and paint of the model. Smaller models are printed in a few hours while larger ones can take several days of continuous printing. Liquid resin prints use UV light to cure the entire layer, layer by layer while filament prints need to "draw" every line in each layer. This makes liquid resin slightly faster. Painting is a large factor in time as well as some models can be complete with 1 or 2 layers of airbrushing while others require a very large amount of intricate detail.
You refer a lot to the custom work form, why is that?
Everyone wants that unique item, or that specific item but just done up in a unique fashion. Having the custom work form, allows us to reach out and give a personalized experience to get you that replica of your in-game ship or model. With custom work, it takes a lot of personal communication to get the model to be exactly what you want, that just can't be automated. We also like to stay in contact with our customers through the process and provide status updates and photos as it's exciting waiting for that unique item to come into existence.
Why do you charge to submit a custom work form?
We do charge a small $5 fee to submit the form and it IS deducted from your final price. This was due to the fact that we had a very large number of customers requesting work in the beginning and when it came time to pay, they would disappear. This turned into a very big waste of time and resources. It's like a very small down payment for custom work to encourage follow through from our serious customers. Keep in mind, if you have questions but don't want to complete the form, you can always email us at or click the contact us link at the top.